Mudgeeraba Child Care
Gold Coast Montessori Baby "Nido" Room
Our Mudgeeraba Child Care & Mudgeeraba Montessori Centre is located at 9 Robert Street Mudgeeraba and offers Baby Infant Child Care from the age of 6 wks.
The word ‘Nido’ is derived from the Italian word meaning ‘nest’ and it conveys the spirit of the infant environment. Our classrooms are comforting, warm and inviting with care being taken to provide nurturing, calm stimulation to enhance the development of the young child.
Planning for a baby or the due date is not too far away? Then why not book a visit and secure a position for your baby ahead of the date at Mudgeeraba Montessori Child Care.
You will have peace of mind in knowing you have the best possible love, care and the foundation of a great education and future.
Contact Mudgeeraba on 55302899 to arrange a tour or complete our waitlist application.

Baby Infant Montessori Care
Dr. Montessori believed that these special sensitive periods were at their keenest from birth to five years of age.
An extraordinary amount of development takes place in the first year of life; both for the growing child and for the parent who is striving to identify and fulfill the baby’s needs.
Our Mudgeeraba Gold Coast Montessori Infant Baby Room is filled with Love and Nurturing. Your baby can develop in our centre from 6 weeks old through to the age of 6 years.

Sensitive Period for Movement
Even before birth, babies are testing out their limbs, their reflexes and gross motor skills.
From birth to 12 months, this joyous exploration of the body’s power progresses from kicking and stretching to being able to use the little fingers as pincers to pick up all kinds of interesting objects.
Control of the hands and feet, self-support of the head, hand-eye coordination and the miracle of crawling all come into play in the first year of life.

Sensitive Period for Language
After birth, babies find themselves in a world of sounds and often their greatest interest is in the sounds of human speech coming from their carers.
Infants intently watch the mouths of the people around them and begin moving their own lips in imitation.
Soon, they begin to explore their own ability to create different kinds of sounds and develop a fascinating repertoire of syllables that they will repeat over and over, trying to perfect the control of their throat, tongue and lips.

6 Week Infant Program
Picasso Room – Our Nido for babies from 6 weeks to 15 months.
We engage with our youngest children in a way that is positive and nurturing since we know that this stage of development has long term impacts for the child as he grows.
Montessori said, “The child is truly a miraculous being, and this should be felt deeply by the educator”
We at Montessori Gold Coast know that caring for your baby is no simple matter. Dr. Montessori provided us with clear goals and guidelines which are implemented by our qualified, interested and focused team who use this to tailor a care plan for your child.
We carefully observe and listen and as we do we discover their interests and engage their thoughtfulness and creativity.

The Baby's Needs
Our infant program addresses all these needs.
“The baby’s fundamental need – is to be loved". But it takes a mature person to love a baby, because love takes time, love takes patience, love takes fortitude, love even requires a certain kind of humility: to love another better than one’s self.
The baby needs time to be understood: he needs time in everything he does.
I embraced the Montessori Method because I saw the long term benefits, and trained my staff to my personal expectations and now we deliver these and make them available to you!
We use and encourage our babies to use sign language throughout the day. This reduces the barrier non verbal communication can sometimes create.

Baby's Development
As the song says, the beginning is “a very good place to start!” Can you tell I watched The Sound of Music last night? In thinking about this topic.
Doctor Maria Montessori went on to exhort parents to not to misunderstand Montessori thought as being a faddish status symbol, something to be gone at halfheartedly with the vague goal of speeding up a child’s intellectual development.
Though academic development is certainly an important part of the Montessori method, it is the baby’s emotional development that should be dearest to the hearts of mothers and fathers.
As they toddle toward our Monet or Beethoven rooms (for children 15months – 2yrs) your baby will have been prepared and be ready for the sensorial journey ahead!